Thursday 20 October 2011


In conclusion, The Evolution of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Information System (IS) topic discuss about the changing role of HR professional and impact the evolution to HRM and HRIS. This topic gives me more knowledge about advantages of HRIS such as can assist the decision making in organization and for the payroll system.
From IS for competitive advantage topic, I learn about the roles, competitive advantages, competitive forces and competitive strategies.
For me, the last topic about globalization is very interesting because I learn more about the benefit of globalizing to the HR activity.  In addition, globalization of HRIS gives ability to analyze employee data and improve HR processes and HR's role as strategic partner. What the important is I must know and understand about each model with detail. The main point from this topic is we to know and understand about types of HRIS model.

1.      Insight Consulting Partners. (2004). Going Global With Your HRIS.
2.      Greengard, S. (1995). When HRMS Goes Global: Managing the Data Highway. Personnel Journal.74 (6): 90-106.

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