Thursday 20 October 2011

The Information System for Competitive Advantages

Today, I learn about the Information System for competitive advantages with En Zahrir. This topic discusses about four main points namely the role of Information System, competitive advantage, competitive strategies and competitive forces. Actually, this topic is very confused for me to identify about competitive force and competitive strategies. But I‘m very proud and respect with En. Zahrir. This is because he always tries to help us when we have the problem or not understand with this topic.
 For me, competitive advantage as strategic benefits gained over competing dyads that enable the dyad to compete more effectively in the marketplace. Other than that, gaining competitive advantage requires building on the proven principles of effective strategy.
In addition, I’m also learning about the competitive forces. Based on Michael Porter, there are five forces namely supplier power, threat of substitutes, and threat of new entrants, buyer power and degree of rivalry. The organization can achieve the high performance with two ways. There are can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in.
Besides that, I’m also learn about five competitive strategies such as cost leadership, differentiation strategy, innovation strategy, growth strategy and alliance strategy at this class.
At this class, En Zahrir gives more examples to make sure we all understand what we learn. Actually, the role of Information System is important to improve communication, increase process efficiencies and easy to collaboration with the others.  

1. Dess, Gregory G., G.T. Lumpkin and Marilyn L. Taylor. Strategic Management. 2 ed. New
    York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.
2. Jae Wook Yoo, David J. Lemak, Youngjun Choi, (2006) "Principles of management and competitive       strategies: using Fayol to implement Porter", Journal of Management History, Vol. 12 Iss: 4, pp.352 – 368

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