Tuesday 20 December 2011


                                  FIGURE 1: Example of recruitment and selection system

Salam and good morning. 
Today, I learn about the recruitment and selection. When we talks about recruitment and selection, what you all know about that? For your information, recruitment can be defined as all activities directed towards locating potential employees and the attraction of applications from suitable applicants. The aim of recruitment is to get the best person suited to the job based on objective criteria for a particular job. But staffing means the process of selecting and train individuals for specific job functions and charging them with the associated responsibilities
            According by Chapman and Webster (2003) the process of recruitment may begin with advertising vacancies, this may be done internally or externally or both and can be achieved using a range of media, which may involve using the company web site. When we look, many of company use the internet for recruitment purposes because many reason.
Based by Breaugh and Starke (2000), they stated the impact of online recruitment on recruitment objective namely:
Ø  the cost
Ø  speed of filling job vacancies
Ø  psychological contract fulfillment,
Ø  Satisfaction and retention rates
Ø   Quality and quantity of applicants and the diversity of application.
For example, the online recruitment can decrease cycle time and increase the efficiency of the process by allowing organizations to spend less time gathering and sorting data.
            I’m also learning about the advantages of this system namely this system more quickly to get the information. I’m agreeing with this statement because the system gives the update information to the employee about the job vacancies. Besides that, this system also makes selection process easier because the employers and candidates can save a lot of time to describe the vacancies and their requirements through internet.
            But, this system also have several disadvantage namely limited to user to access. That means only the employee in the organization can access this system because to log in this system they required key in the password. So, this system should give exploration about how to use that. In addition, this system also challenges to update the information. The organization actually should alert with the information policies of recruitment changing and if the positions in the company are fulfilled by candidates, the job vacancies were change. 
            For me, using web based recruitment and staffing system will indirectly enhance the productivity in organization because the administration can easily update all the information via using on this system. Now, I more understanding about this topic and the system of recruitment and selection give many advantage to employee especially to human resource employee to update the data about the employees. 

1.      Glade El-Kot & Mike Leat (2008), A survey of recruitment and selection practices in Egypt, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues
Vol. 1 No. 3, 2008, pp. 200-212. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

2.      Chapman, D.S, & Webster, J. (2003). The use of technologies in the recruitment, screening, and selection processes for job candidates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 113-120.

3.      Breaugh, J. A., & Starke, M. (2000). Research on employee recruitment: so many studies, so many remaining questions. Journal of management, 26,405-434.

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