Thursday 20 October 2011

Globalization HRIS

Today, l learn about globalization HRIS topic. Actually, Dr Nur Naha told us to read this topic two week before this meeting. But, when Dr talks want to do quiz, I’m very nervous because I still not read about this topic with detail. When I read the journal globalizing HRIS: Part 1 Moving to a Transnational Solution, I do not understand because this journal uses the difficult language. But, after Dr discuss and explain with detail about this topic, I hope I understand about this topic.
From this class, I learn about four types of HRIS organizational models. There are Multinational, Global, International and Transnational model. Other than that, Dr also explains about the differences from four type’s model. Besides that, I also learn about three different strategic needs to monitor the organization to use the suitable model for their company. The strategic needs are local differentiation, global integration, and the innovation and knowledge sharing.
At 12.00 noon, Dr told us, she wants do the quiz. At this class, she gives us three questions about this topic and we all must answer the question in twenty minutes. Actually the question is simple but we all must understand this topic with detail to make sure the company is suitable with what model.
I was very surprised when the Dr told us to check the papers from other friends. I feel very thankful because this quiz only extra marks for the final exam if we all get the low marks. The advantages are the organization is able to quickly assess current employee availability and their qualifications for staffing the new department or project regardless of the employee’s location. Overall, planning becomes more accurate and decisions become more transparent (Vernon, 2006). I think this class is very happy and I learn more about this topic.

1.      Beaman, Karen V. and Alfred J. Walker. 2000. “Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model.”IHRIM Journal. Vol. IV, No. 4. October-December 2000.
2.      Peter J. Buckley (2011), The Impact of Globalisation and the Emergence of the Global Factory, in Ravi Ramamurti, Niron Hashai (ed.) The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 15), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.213-249
3.      Vernon, P. (2004). Delivering On the Promise of HR Transformation. Accessed at:

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