Tuesday 20 December 2011


After I learn the entire topic, I got much information about this topic. Besides that, this topic also give more understand about the system. in personally, system topic is very challenges because we must understand the basic of the system.
Performance management system topic gives me information about the process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization.
In addition, recruitment and selection system is one of the important systems to the human resource employee because their work more directly to the employee such as key in the personal data about employees.
Employee learning and development is the method to the employees to more understand and knowing about the information in the organization.
For me, every system has the advantage and disadvantage but we can minimize the disadvantage with improve the mistake for the future. I hope with this topic I can apply what I learn to the workplace.



Salam and good morning to all of you..
I hope you all fine today. Actually, I want to share with you about the employee learning and development system. For your information, employee learning and development (ELD) refer to learning that is designed to develop the potential of employees rather than their job specific skills. ELD provides an employee-centered approach whereby choice over what to learn resides with the learner and it offers continuous learning opportunities.
There are two key themes relating to the concept of learning in ELD. Firstly, self-directed learning and the idea that employees should be given freedom of choice over the educational or training course the employees undertake.  With this system, the participation in learning can increase the confidence employees in the workplace. Secondly, the relevance of the social and environmental nature of learning.  That means, how far learning acquired in a formal education or training context can counteract the effects of collective learning in the learning. 
I’m very surprise and excited because first time learn about the component of ELD system. There are several component of ELD Systems such as:
Ø  employee personal information
Ø  performance before training
Ø  training course
Ø  training transfer
Ø  program evaluation

For me, ELD System have many advantages but it’s also have disadvantages. The advantages of this system are the costs are effective and accessibility. That means the employee can get the information about the training program and the cost is cheaper than the manual practices. Besides that, the employee also can improve computer skills. When the employee wants to check what training that they should attend, automatically the employees can improve their computer skills. So, the supervisor acts as an agent of the organization yet may demonstrate his/her own emphasis (or lack thereof) on developing subordinates (cf. Maurer et al., 2003; Maurer et al., 2002).
The disadvantages of using this system are lack of human contact. I’m very agree with this statement because if the employee using the computer only, they cannot contact each other because between they and computer. So, they don’t understand with detail about the content of training program. Other than that, the employees should know the basic computer skill but not all the employees can master this skill. When this happen, they actually difficult to join the training program. 
            In my opinion, this system is important because can helps the organization in making decisions. Other than that, this system also can help make the process easier to implement, facilitate timely information sharing, and enabling a consistent coordination between elements and the organization. For me, this topic is interesting because I can know with detail about this system and also can apply what I learn today for the future. 

1.      Denise Thursfield and John Hamblett,(2001), Mutuality, learning and change at work: the case of employee led development
2.      Todd J. Maurer, Michael Lippstreu, (2006), who will be committed to an organization that provides support for employee development? Journal of Management Development, Vol. 27 No. 3, 2008.



Salam and good morning to you all. 
Today, I’m very excited because I learn about performance management system. For me, this topic is very interesting because I can know with detail about the performance management system. According by Neely et al. (1995) performance management system (PMS) defined as “a set of metrics used to quantify both the efficiency and effectiveness of actions”.
In my opinion, performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization.
Examples of the performance management system are Performance Plans - KPI & Competency Library, A Coaching system, A Performance review form Linkage to relevant HR systems.
In addition, there are five stages of performance management namely:
> Plan
>   Monitor
> Develop
> Review
>  Reward

            After I learn about this system, there are several advantages such as motivation to perform is increased. After the employer receiving feedback about one’s performance, that means they can increase the motivation for future performance. The knowledge is about how one is doing and recognition about one’s past successes provides the fuel for future accomplishments.
Besides that, this system also can made the organizational goals are clear. The goals of the unit and the organization are made clear and the employee understands the link between what the employee does and organizational success. This is a contribution to the communication of what the unit and the organization are all about and how organizational goals cascade down to the unit and the individual employee. That means this system can help improve employee acceptance of these wider goals such as organizational level and unit level.
But, for me this system also has the disadvantage namely increased turnover. When I look, if the process is not seen as fair, the employees may become upset and leave the organization. That means, they can leave physically (quit) or with draw psychologically such as minimize their effort until they are able to find a job elsewhere.  Other than that, this system wasted time and money because these resources are wasted when systems are poorly designed and implemented.  In addition, this system also unclear ratings system because of poor communication, employees may not know how their ratings are generated and how the ratings are translated into rewards.
In conclusion, I think this system is a key factor used in determining whether an organization can manage its human resources and talent effectively. This system provides information on who should be trained and in what area, which employees should be rewarded and what type of skills are lacking at the organization or unit level. 

1.  M.A. Norhayati & A.K. Siti-Nabiha, A case study of the performance system in a Malaysian government linked company, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. Vol. 5 No. 2, 2009. pp. 243-276 Emerald Group Publishing Limited

2.      Herman Aguinis (2009),  Performance Management  Second Edition, Pearson International Edition


                                  FIGURE 1: Example of recruitment and selection system

Salam and good morning. 
Today, I learn about the recruitment and selection. When we talks about recruitment and selection, what you all know about that? For your information, recruitment can be defined as all activities directed towards locating potential employees and the attraction of applications from suitable applicants. The aim of recruitment is to get the best person suited to the job based on objective criteria for a particular job. But staffing means the process of selecting and train individuals for specific job functions and charging them with the associated responsibilities
            According by Chapman and Webster (2003) the process of recruitment may begin with advertising vacancies, this may be done internally or externally or both and can be achieved using a range of media, which may involve using the company web site. When we look, many of company use the internet for recruitment purposes because many reason.
Based by Breaugh and Starke (2000), they stated the impact of online recruitment on recruitment objective namely:
Ø  the cost
Ø  speed of filling job vacancies
Ø  psychological contract fulfillment,
Ø  Satisfaction and retention rates
Ø   Quality and quantity of applicants and the diversity of application.
For example, the online recruitment can decrease cycle time and increase the efficiency of the process by allowing organizations to spend less time gathering and sorting data.
            I’m also learning about the advantages of this system namely this system more quickly to get the information. I’m agreeing with this statement because the system gives the update information to the employee about the job vacancies. Besides that, this system also makes selection process easier because the employers and candidates can save a lot of time to describe the vacancies and their requirements through internet.
            But, this system also have several disadvantage namely limited to user to access. That means only the employee in the organization can access this system because to log in this system they required key in the password. So, this system should give exploration about how to use that. In addition, this system also challenges to update the information. The organization actually should alert with the information policies of recruitment changing and if the positions in the company are fulfilled by candidates, the job vacancies were change. 
            For me, using web based recruitment and staffing system will indirectly enhance the productivity in organization because the administration can easily update all the information via using on this system. Now, I more understanding about this topic and the system of recruitment and selection give many advantage to employee especially to human resource employee to update the data about the employees. 

1.      Glade El-Kot & Mike Leat (2008), A survey of recruitment and selection practices in Egypt, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues
Vol. 1 No. 3, 2008, pp. 200-212. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

2.      Chapman, D.S, & Webster, J. (2003). The use of technologies in the recruitment, screening, and selection processes for job candidates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 113-120.

3.      Breaugh, J. A., & Starke, M. (2000). Research on employee recruitment: so many studies, so many remaining questions. Journal of management, 26,405-434.

Thursday 20 October 2011


In conclusion, The Evolution of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Information System (IS) topic discuss about the changing role of HR professional and impact the evolution to HRM and HRIS. This topic gives me more knowledge about advantages of HRIS such as can assist the decision making in organization and for the payroll system.
From IS for competitive advantage topic, I learn about the roles, competitive advantages, competitive forces and competitive strategies.
For me, the last topic about globalization is very interesting because I learn more about the benefit of globalizing to the HR activity.  In addition, globalization of HRIS gives ability to analyze employee data and improve HR processes and HR's role as strategic partner. What the important is I must know and understand about each model with detail. The main point from this topic is we to know and understand about types of HRIS model.

1.      Insight Consulting Partners. (2004). Going Global With Your HRIS.
2.      Greengard, S. (1995). When HRMS Goes Global: Managing the Data Highway. Personnel Journal.74 (6): 90-106.

Globalization HRIS

Today, l learn about globalization HRIS topic. Actually, Dr Nur Naha told us to read this topic two week before this meeting. But, when Dr talks want to do quiz, I’m very nervous because I still not read about this topic with detail. When I read the journal globalizing HRIS: Part 1 Moving to a Transnational Solution, I do not understand because this journal uses the difficult language. But, after Dr discuss and explain with detail about this topic, I hope I understand about this topic.
From this class, I learn about four types of HRIS organizational models. There are Multinational, Global, International and Transnational model. Other than that, Dr also explains about the differences from four type’s model. Besides that, I also learn about three different strategic needs to monitor the organization to use the suitable model for their company. The strategic needs are local differentiation, global integration, and the innovation and knowledge sharing.
At 12.00 noon, Dr told us, she wants do the quiz. At this class, she gives us three questions about this topic and we all must answer the question in twenty minutes. Actually the question is simple but we all must understand this topic with detail to make sure the company is suitable with what model.
I was very surprised when the Dr told us to check the papers from other friends. I feel very thankful because this quiz only extra marks for the final exam if we all get the low marks. The advantages are the organization is able to quickly assess current employee availability and their qualifications for staffing the new department or project regardless of the employee’s location. Overall, planning becomes more accurate and decisions become more transparent (Vernon, 2006). I think this class is very happy and I learn more about this topic.

1.      Beaman, Karen V. and Alfred J. Walker. 2000. “Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model.”IHRIM Journal. Vol. IV, No. 4. October-December 2000.
2.      Peter J. Buckley (2011), The Impact of Globalisation and the Emergence of the Global Factory, in Ravi Ramamurti, Niron Hashai (ed.) The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 15), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.213-249
3.      Vernon, P. (2004). Delivering On the Promise of HR Transformation. Accessed at:http://www.mercerhr.com

The Information System for Competitive Advantages

Today, I learn about the Information System for competitive advantages with En Zahrir. This topic discusses about four main points namely the role of Information System, competitive advantage, competitive strategies and competitive forces. Actually, this topic is very confused for me to identify about competitive force and competitive strategies. But I‘m very proud and respect with En. Zahrir. This is because he always tries to help us when we have the problem or not understand with this topic.
 For me, competitive advantage as strategic benefits gained over competing dyads that enable the dyad to compete more effectively in the marketplace. Other than that, gaining competitive advantage requires building on the proven principles of effective strategy.
In addition, I’m also learning about the competitive forces. Based on Michael Porter, there are five forces namely supplier power, threat of substitutes, and threat of new entrants, buyer power and degree of rivalry. The organization can achieve the high performance with two ways. There are can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in.
Besides that, I’m also learn about five competitive strategies such as cost leadership, differentiation strategy, innovation strategy, growth strategy and alliance strategy at this class.
At this class, En Zahrir gives more examples to make sure we all understand what we learn. Actually, the role of Information System is important to improve communication, increase process efficiencies and easy to collaboration with the others.  

1. Dess, Gregory G., G.T. Lumpkin and Marilyn L. Taylor. Strategic Management. 2 ed. New
    York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005.
2. Jae Wook Yoo, David J. Lemak, Youngjun Choi, (2006) "Principles of management and competitive       strategies: using Fayol to implement Porter", Journal of Management History, Vol. 12 Iss: 4, pp.352 – 368