Tuesday 20 December 2011



Salam and good morning to all of you..
I hope you all fine today. Actually, I want to share with you about the employee learning and development system. For your information, employee learning and development (ELD) refer to learning that is designed to develop the potential of employees rather than their job specific skills. ELD provides an employee-centered approach whereby choice over what to learn resides with the learner and it offers continuous learning opportunities.
There are two key themes relating to the concept of learning in ELD. Firstly, self-directed learning and the idea that employees should be given freedom of choice over the educational or training course the employees undertake.  With this system, the participation in learning can increase the confidence employees in the workplace. Secondly, the relevance of the social and environmental nature of learning.  That means, how far learning acquired in a formal education or training context can counteract the effects of collective learning in the learning. 
I’m very surprise and excited because first time learn about the component of ELD system. There are several component of ELD Systems such as:
Ø  employee personal information
Ø  performance before training
Ø  training course
Ø  training transfer
Ø  program evaluation

For me, ELD System have many advantages but it’s also have disadvantages. The advantages of this system are the costs are effective and accessibility. That means the employee can get the information about the training program and the cost is cheaper than the manual practices. Besides that, the employee also can improve computer skills. When the employee wants to check what training that they should attend, automatically the employees can improve their computer skills. So, the supervisor acts as an agent of the organization yet may demonstrate his/her own emphasis (or lack thereof) on developing subordinates (cf. Maurer et al., 2003; Maurer et al., 2002).
The disadvantages of using this system are lack of human contact. I’m very agree with this statement because if the employee using the computer only, they cannot contact each other because between they and computer. So, they don’t understand with detail about the content of training program. Other than that, the employees should know the basic computer skill but not all the employees can master this skill. When this happen, they actually difficult to join the training program. 
            In my opinion, this system is important because can helps the organization in making decisions. Other than that, this system also can help make the process easier to implement, facilitate timely information sharing, and enabling a consistent coordination between elements and the organization. For me, this topic is interesting because I can know with detail about this system and also can apply what I learn today for the future. 

1.      Denise Thursfield and John Hamblett,(2001), Mutuality, learning and change at work: the case of employee led development
2.      Todd J. Maurer, Michael Lippstreu, (2006), who will be committed to an organization that provides support for employee development? Journal of Management Development, Vol. 27 No. 3, 2008.

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